Sida loo abuuro bogga bulshada ee facebook

Sida loo abuuro bogga bulshada ee facebook

Sumaddaada shaqsiyeed waa hantida ugu qiimaha badan ee aad ku leedahay bulshada dhexdeeda. Mid ka mid ah aaladaha ugu wanaagsan ee lagu kobcin karo sumcaddaada shaqsiyeed waa bogga bulshada ee facebook.

Abuuritaanka boggaga Facebook ma ahan mid adag oo u baahan waqti badan . Kaliya waxaad ubaahantahay inaad raacdo dhowr kan talaabo ee soo socda.
Kahor inta aadan abuurin boggaaga shaqsiyadeed ee Facebook, waxaad u baahan tahay inaad gasho koontadaada gaarka ah ee Facebook. haddii aadan horey u galin koontadaada shaqsiyeed, gal hadda, ka dibna raac talaabooyinkaan.

Tallaabada 1aad: Abuur

Raac ka dibna ka dooro Artist, Brand/ Public Figure 

Marka xigta, ka xulo Jaantuska Dadweynaha qaybta ‘menu-ka’ hoos ku qoran, ku qor magacaaga, gujina Get Started

Boggaaga cusub ayaa markaa soo baxaya.

Tallaabada 2aad. Kudar Sawir Profile Picture

Qeybta kore ee bidix ee bogga, guji Ku dar Sawir si aad ugu soo dhejiso. Waxa wanaagan inaad dooratid sawir tayo sare leh si aad u matasho qofka aad tahay.

Tallaabada 3aad. Kudar Sawir Cover  Picture

Marka xigta, dhagsii Kudar Cover si aad u hagaajiso Profile Picture ama Video. Cabirka ugu wanaagsan inaad isticmaasha waa 720 x 315 pixels.



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Terms & Conditions

A. Resell our services under your business name

We are invisible when you are selling our services and you can sell them under your brand name for any price you liked, here are the services listed below.

  1. Web Hosting (Shared, VPS, Dedicated)
  2. Emails (Webmail, GSuite, Microsoft 365)
  3. Domains (dotSO Domain Registration, .com,net,.org,.info and 700+ ltds)
  4. SSL
  5. Domain Privacy
  6. Backup
Why Reselling with SOSTEC?
  1. Set your own prices.
  2. Sell under your brand, we are invisible
  3. 24/7 support.
B. Commission-Based Reseller

To sell these products or services is only under SOSTEC’s brand and the ownership, contracting customer, supporting is the duty of SOSTEC will do, here are the products

  1. DEEGAAN Restaurant Management System
  2. DEEGAAN Hotel Management System
  3. eDURDUR Merchandise Management System (Carwo, Pharmacy, Dukaan and so on)
  4. eDURDUR Clinic Management System (For Hospital and Clinic)
  5. Notary Management System
  6. DUGGAAL School Management System
  7. Water & Electric Management System
  8. Website Design & Development
Process of selling these products & services are:-
  1. You communicate with customers to sell our product
  2. Create the deal
  3. SOSTEC contracts with the client as a product owner
  4. The client pays the bill to us
  5. We pay automatically your commission
  6. We train the client
  7. We support 24/7
Why Reselling with SOSTEC?
  1. Make money from great services and products at no cost
  2. Get a commission from 20% – 30%.
  3. 24/7 support.
Our Product Pricing Plans 
  1. Lifetime Plan (You will get the agreed commission)
  2. Subscription Plan (we will pay you as long a customer is paying)